Knockoff Notes app

Shalom friends. Welcome to my knockoff Notes app page.
Basically, it's for mindless nonsense x

I won't eat until you say that you love me
I won't sleep until you can't sleep without me
I won't breathe until I take your breath away
I want to be alone but I want you to stay

Garden of Desire???          

Oh my god this is like so intimate... You're really reading my handwriting... Are we abt to kiss rn?

Waving is so cute when u think about it, we're just waving our silly little hands at each other.....

I'm so starved for attention that I might just go ahead      
and doxx my own site to my IRL:s or something LOL      
Like what's up with that? Am I rly that bored?      
(I would never actually do that tho)      

      Someone should kiss me, idk.

Rivers Cuomo...